250% InstaForex bonus

InstaForex is glad to tell our potential clients that the company has launched a new unprecedented bonus program for new clients. The program has been designed for the clients who opened a trading account with InstaForex starting from June 15, 2013. Now every new client may claim for the biggest ever welcome bonus. Thus, being InstaForex client, you can get an unprecedented offer – starting from June 15, 2013 your initial deposit with InstaForex will be increased by 2.5 times! Forex brokers have never offered such a bonus! Do not miss the opportunity to become a new client and start trading 250% bonus!

Our highest priorities are top-notch services and satisfied customers. More than one million traders all over the world chose InstaForex, appreciating comfortable trading conditions and a wide range of innovative services.

Trade and make profit with InstaForex!